Environmental damage assessment

By Ibptech

According to the Environmental Crimes Law established by Law No. 9.605/1998 and regulated by Decree No. 6.514/2008, environmental damage can occur against fauna, flora, through pollutants, against environmental administration, urban planning, and cultural heritage. Assessment is carried out to determine the occurrence of environmental damage or the risk of its occurrence, quantify it in order to identify the alterations caused to the environment and seek means to minimize the damage caused to the environment. Technical examinations for the determination of environmental damage include on-site inspections, analysis of aerial and satellite images, examination of documents, and collected evidence. IBPTECH has a multidisciplinary team capable of evaluating and measuring any environmental damage, preparing Reports and Technical Reports, as well as providing technical support in judicial, extrajudicial, and collective actions, preparing technical questions, attending to expert proceedings, and technical opinions.

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