At the October 2012 XII SemanJur of the São Bernardo do Campo Law School in the state of São Paulo, the theme “Law and Social Media” was explored. Dr. Ivan Sartori, Judge and President of the São Paulo Court of Justice, delivered the opening speech discussing the challenges facing the judiciary, with a focus on the management of the largest court in the country, with almost 20 million ongoing cases, over two thousand judges, and fifty thousand employees, including around 1.3 million electronic cases.
Prof. Carlos Eduardo Cauduro Padin, representative of the Paulista Association of Magistrates, welcomed the distinguished guest, and Prof. Dr. Marcelo José Ladeira Mauad, director of the Law School, thanked everyone in attendance and congratulated those involved in promoting another successful SemanJur.
Prof. Giuliano Giova, judicial expert and Director of IBP Brazil, discussed the impact of technological advancements on society as a whole, both in the business realm and in individuals’ lives, addressing topics directly related to the daily experiences of technology enthusiasts and professionals, such as augmented reality, encryption, computer virtualization, among others, which are also of paramount importance to digital law experts.
He also spoke about the characteristics of this new, increasingly electronic world, where physical and virtual environments are mixed, permeated by technological innovations and new challenges awaiting legal operators and criminal and judicial experts. See the complete list of speakers and topics covered at SemanJur website.