Cybercrime has become an industry in Brazil, according to analysts. Experts at the 5th Congress on Electronic Crimes and Forms of Protection of the Federation of Commerce of the State of São Paulo, held in 2013, indicate that attacks in the country are becoming more sophisticated and demand focused studies from various sectors. IBP participated in the presentation and debate, warning about the dangers of poorly performed forensic investigations, which can mislead judges because it is not easy to find the truth in scenarios involving high technology.

The intense growth in the use of sophisticated technological equipment in people’s daily lives, as well as in all productive processes and sectors of the economy, means that the identification of contractual breaches, failures or even frauds requires a differentiated and multidisciplinary approach between the legal area and forensic analysts, from the first moment that the possibility of a judicial demand is perceived.

IBP’s methodology, when serving a request for an examination from the party, includes a preliminary study of the various technological variables considered from the point of view of forensic expertise, working in conjunction with the client’s legal department.
